About the client
The OGP commenced operations in 2014 and, together with four key sectors (Health, Defence, Education and Local Government), takes responsibility for sourcing all goods and services on behalf of the Public Service. In addition, the OGP also takes full responsibility for procurement policy and procedures. Through the OGP and the sector-retained procurement functions, the Public Service speaks with “one voice” to the market for each category of expenditure, eliminating duplication and taking advantage of the scale of public procurement to best effect. This move is in line with best practice in the public and private sector and is part of the continuing reform programme being driven by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
HEG is the energy advisor to the OGP. Under this contract HEG manages the tendering, procurement and energy costrelated services on behalf of all schools, all Health Service Executive buildings, all local authorities, all defence force properties and central government buildings.
Sector: Irish Government